be sure to check out David's incredible ministry
below! See how God had used David for His Glory!
David's Testimony
I am Jewish by heritage, but first and foremost I am a Born-Again Believer In Jesus as Messiah!
When I was around eight years of age, my mom used to bribe me with hot chocolate and toast so that I would listen to the bible stories she read me. Little did I know what an impact they would have on me in the future. The scripture is true, that “Faith comes by hearing the Word”.
I became a born again believer when I was just nine years old. Both of my parents are Jewish. My mom first accepted the Lord when I was eight. Her conversion to Christianity is quite a story in itself! My mothers’ sister, Annette, was the first in our family to accept the Lord Jesus as “Messiah”. My Aunt Annette is very special. She always prayed for our entire family to find the Lord, and all of us did! My grandmother on my mom’s side of the family was very adamant about not accepting Jesus, but she also saw the light and asked Him into her heart as Lord and Savior!
My mom and dad are very special to me. The essence of who I am today is because of their values, goodness, sincerity and the most unselfish pure love that they have showered me with throughout my life.
I was born with a hole in my heart and a collapsed lung. This was a very serious medical condition. I had to see a heart specialist every six months, and after many tests it was determined that I would have “open heart” surgery. My mom took me to the hospital with bags packed, for what might have been a lengthy stay. I had to have the usual pre-surgical exams and physical. Being a young boy, my mom was quite worried and wanted to be with me throughout the exams, however she left and went to the ladies room. My mom was so overwhelmed with worry that she was starting to sob, and she didn’t want me to get scared or have the doctor see her upset. It was during that time when she had left, that she heard the Lord speak to her, and He said, “ Why are you hiding in here? Do you not know it is “Good News?” When she came back the doctor smiled and told her the examination showed that the hole in my heart was gone and the surgery was no longer necessary. The doctor said it was a miracle and that my parents were very lucky. I have to tell you that this really got my attention. I felt God had touched me in a very special way. This was leading me closer to the Lord. A few years later there was another miracle in my life, which was to be the first of many defining moments.
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There was a weekend that I spent at my Aunt Annette’s to go fishing with my Uncle Tommy and my Cousin Danny. Now my Uncle Tommy had been working on refinishing his boat for quite a long time. My family used to tease him about how long it was taking, like “Noah’s Ark”! Uncle Tommy always promised to take me out on the lake in this boat. The night before our fishing trip, I wasn’t feeling very well, I was getting a little cold. My mom was worried that I would get worse if I went fishing on the lake in the early morning. She decided that I wouldn’t be going out on this fishing trip. Her decision made me very unhappy.
Now if you know anything about fishing, then you know that a true fisherman, is “up at the crack of dawn”! It was 3:45a.m. and I woke to hear my Uncle Tommy and Cousin Danny getting ready to go. This was one of the most disappointing moments for me. I loved fishing! There would be other fishing trips, but little did I know that it would not be for fish!! I heard them outside tossing the fishing gear into the boat. I got up and went to the window but it was so dark I couldn’t see. I knew they were getting ready to leave and I became quiet upset. I had waited so long for this trip.
I continued to peer out the window trying to catch a glimpse of what was going on. It was now around 4:00 a.m. and all I could barely see was the golf course that faced the back of my Aunt’s yard. I looked up at the sky, and saw a star. It seemed as if the star was coming at me. I thought it was just that I was still tired, and yet I knew that I was clearly awake. The star really was moving, and coming closer to me and I started to back up from the window. To my total astonishment the star came through the window and illuminated a bright light into the bedroom and formed what looked like a white robe, like a gown, then there were hands and feet and a very bright glow where the face was. I stood there unable to move; yet I wasn’t afraid. I knew this was Jesus and He spoke to me and said, “David, you are to follow me and I will be with you all throughout your life. I will never leave you, but you are to stay very close to me!”
From that moment on I knew my life would be so different. I can’t even attempt to tell you how beautiful this moment with Jesus was. I felt this all consuming, peaceful love, and a magnetic intensity surrounding me that was immeasurable! I could have stayed in that moment forever!
As I grew older, it became apparent that I had been blessed with a natural ability to write songs, play guitar and sing with a voice that many have told me sounds a lot like Elvis Presley. Well, I don’t know about that! Singing and writing songs though are a major part of my life and ministry.
There is so much more to share about how the Lord Jesus has molded my life. It is like a delicate woven tapestry. My life has been filled with rich and colorful experiences, and yet, there are places in this tapestry of my life that are tattered, yet patched with the finest of threads that could only have come from the Lord.
Allow me the opportunity to share these many wonderful and uplifting experiences and songs with you and your congregation!
In God’s Hand!
David Marcovitz
Ministry - The Past 20 Years
His first official ministry started
in 1982 when he started playing guitar at The Word
Of God Fellowship. He became the worship leader
on Friday nights in 1982. They met every Friday
night and he led worship there for 5 years until
1982 -1983 he was in his first music ministry
group! It was an ensemble called
"Sweet Fragrance". They sang solo's in
church (Northwest Assembly Of God) and traveled
to various churches.
Led worship, for Wauconda Assembly Of God and
was in youth ministry.
1985 -1987 David traveled in music ministry leading
worship for On Air Radio
Personality Jim Channell prior to his sharing his
Led worship For Northwest Assembly Of God Singles
ministry and put together
a worship team for youth ministry.
Six years Worship leader for Cross Connect ministry.
For 4 1/2 years David
was leadership chairman For Cross Connect.
Led worship for Full Gospel Church Of Love.
2003 Promoted Special Evangelistic ministries
to bring to town.
Director For A Local Christian Cable Show "A
Fork In The Road".
Worship leader for Full Gospel Businessmen's
Fellowship Chapter in
2001 Traveled in southern part of
the country in Georgia and Florida singing and speaking
in various churches.
2003 - 2004 Worship leader for Harvest Bible Chapel Vernon Hills - Singles Ministry.
has spoken for numerous church services , youth
groups, singles ministry, etc.
He has also been interviewed on TV and Radio.
has ministered to a wide spectrum: Evangelicals,
Pentecostal, etc.
he is also currently the Worship Leader for
Full Gospel Businessmen's Fellowship Chapter
In Bloomingdale,
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purpose is that they may be encouraged in heart
and united in love, so that they may have the full
riches of complete understanding, in order that
they may know the mystery of God, namely, Christ,
in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and
Colossians 2:2-3
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